Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Effective Classroom Practices - 5 Simple Reminders!

1. An effective teacher is organized and prepared for his/her day.

When we put the time and effort into planning for our students, we communicate to them, in unspoken words, that they are valued and important. A prepared teacher is able to handle "changes" throughout the day with ease and patience.

2. An effective teacher treats everyone the same!

When a teacher consistently treats his/her fellow staff members and students with respect,
kindness, gentleness, patience, and goodness . . . the results are beautiful! When these exist in
your circle of influence, excellence is nurtured and developed! A safe place is established!

3. An effective teacher knows all of her students!

Take the time to know your students. Ask them questions and listen to their little hearts. When you tap into their hearts, a connection is made and it lets them know that you care. When care and interest in them is present, you will be surprised how much you can empower and inspire your students to greatness!

4. An effective teacher does not look on her career as just a job.

A teacher can become easily discontent with her job, if he/she is looking for a 9-5 job only. This job is not for the faint at heart. It requires more than the 9-5 hours. Excellent teachers are always looking for bargains, collecting items for a project, and always creating something new out of something else. An effective teacher realizes early on that this job is a calling, an occupation that requires heart, time, and basket loads of energy and effort!

5. An effective teacher is always learning!

The best teachers are the ones who are always looking for ways to learn and grow in their craft! Whether it be a new teaching strategy or technique, or an innovative lesson or activity, an effective teacher is always on the lookout to improve and learn something new!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Why . . . "The Traveling Teacher?"

I have adopted the name, "The Traveling Teacher." Let me tell you why . . .

Life has a unique and seemingly unplanned way of leading our lives on a winding path of adventure, a journey filled with surprises, detours, and roadblocks. I say "unplanned," because with all of my planning, in the small and big decisions of life . . . my plans have often been slightly changed, overhauled, and sometimes derailed completely. I believe God has a well-planned out map for my life, so I know all things happen for a reason. I have learned to be flexible and open to curves and uncertain terrain along my path. Yet, I am a planner and an organizer. I believe that a well-prepared teacher shows her students that they are valued, expected, and important.

My philosophy is: Be prepared and motivated to excellence. When you do so and plans change, you are not worried, uncertain, or flustered . . . because you are prepared!

With all of that said, I am not surprised that God has orchestrated a very interesting path for me as a teacher.

I love teaching, and when I began this journey as an educator, I expected my career to be somewhat conventional . . . summers off, vacation days throughout the year, a set start-time and end-time each weekday, and DEFINITELY I would be at one location. I have been a teacher for over 20 years. My journey began as a homeschooling Mom. Since graduating with a degree in Elementary Education, I have taught in public and private schools. In the past six years, since moving to Georgia, I have taught in several venues. I have taught:

-in my family room.
-in the basement.
-in my kitchen.
-at a nearby Starbucks
-at an enrichment center.
-at someone else's home.
-at a private school.
-at a nearby church.
-in an office complex.

I did not plan to teach this way, but this is how my teaching career has unfolded. This is how I came up with the name, "The Traveling Teacher." I am hardly ever at the same location for two consecutive days. On any given school day, I can be seen tugging an arm-full of goodies in bins and bags with my cool teacher-stuff in it. I say "cool," because I always have some type of educational toy, game, or activity in my bags, because I love bringing learning alive! I love engaging my students in problem-solving lessons. Why? I believe that this is one way of building a strong foundation of critical thinking skills to develop and encourage my students to be "inquisitive learners" for the 21st Century!

I am preparing to teach a workshop and spend a week with a school in Hawaii. I love teaching hands-on science and writing workshops in the classroom. I will be encouraging teachers to bring science and learning alive in the classroom through everyday objects, gadgets, and gizmos! The name just seems to fit . . . and I am excited to see where my journey will take me in the coming years!

Learning is an adventure . . . look for it around every corner,
"The Traveling Teacher"

Monday, March 8, 2010

Here is my favorite teacher, my Mom!

My Favorite Teacher . . . Why couldn't I ever be in her classroom?

I was thinking about my favorite teacher . . . one in particular! She is exceptional and she has been my mentor, inspiration, and my best cheerleader throughout my life and teaching career. Here is the craziest thing . . . I was never given the privilege to be a student in her classroom.

Who is she?

Her name is Diana Abraham. At Lunalilo Elementary School she was the "favorite" teacher. All the kids loved her and when 4th grade rolled around . . . everyone wanted her. Mrs. Abraham is my Mom! My Mom has been a "Master Teacher" for over 40 years. If there has ever been a "teacher after God's own heart," it is my Mom. Her capacity to love and care for kids has always been an inspiration!

I remember sitting on the floor of her classroom in my favorite spot. It was next to her library shelves filled with all kinds of books. I was seven, and I remember looking around her room. All of a sudden I piped up, "Mom, why can't you be my teacher?" She shared with me that it was a rule at the school, and since there were five classrooms per grade, I would surely get a great teacher! I always felt safe, secure, and "smart" in her classroom. I grew up feeling like I could try, do, or be anything.

It was in my 7th year that I declared with complete focus and determination, "Hey Mom, when I grow up, I wanna be a teacher just like you!" I am not going to lie, I loved the idea of being the "queen" of my own classroom. My motives for teaching have definitely changed over the years. Being the middle of five children meant being flexible and not really in-control of anything. It was instilled in us early on to share and respect each other. The thought of having my own classroom and all that came with it, was quite attractive. It would be my palace, my own room to "control," organize, decorate, and create. From that year on, that was my dream, I just wanted to be a teacher just like Mom.

My Mom teaches with heart and care. I was just plain jealous of any student who had my Mom! There were no if, ands, or buts, about it! All the kids who were blessed to have her, loved her. The kids who didn't, hung around after school, just to connect with her. I loved being in her classroom! I felt accepted, encouraged, and respected in her classroom. Over the years, all of her students have experienced the same thing!

What made her classroom so special? Was it the fun and cute crafts she made? Was it her original bulletin boards, with hand-crafted pictures? Was it her gentle, and caring ways? Was it the way she always had the time to listen and respect the thoughts of others? All of those qualities are admirable, but not the key to her success as an educator.

I have come to realize that her classroom was an extension of her heart. In "construction terms," her classroom was an "add-on" of her home. A quality and effective teacher is a teacher everywhere . . . at home, in her community, at the store, and certainly in the classroom. It is not something that can be turned off or on. My Mom's hospitable and sweet ways transformed her room of desks, papers, and chairs, into a home away from home. Her students entered her doors and arrived at a place where they were respected and heard! She made them feel welcomed and established a connection immediately which translated itself to, "You are accepted and wanted here! Come and learn with me!"

Now, because she teaches from this paradigm, all of her students thrive! They ALL experience personal success and individual growth academically! She has a unique way of making her students believe in themselves and this has caused change and inspired excellence!

So, for today . . . think back on your favorite teacher. Thank the Lord for him/her. If it is possible, send a thank you note! If you are a parent, appreciate your child's teacher today! If your child completes this school year with a positive attitude towards learning, it has been a successful year. Learning is a lifetime journey . . . if we can inspire our children and students to aspire to excellence and love learning, we have done our jobs as teachers (and Moms)!

Thank you Mom for loving well and teaching with heart. I admire and cherish you,

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Tip Of The Day

Tip of the Day: Take time to enjoy life to refresh your teacher's heart!

My husband and I enjoying a Saturday afternoon!

Connecting is the heart!

The heart of any successful classroom is the teacher's ability to connect with her students. How does this happen? Really there is no secret formula, but there is a very simple tried and true recipe that I have found really works!

Recipe for a Successful Classroom:
3 cups of kindness, gentleness, and patience
1 cup of mutual respect
2 tablespoons of eye contact and focus for every child
2 tablespoons of time (take the time to find out something unique about each of your students.)
Sprinkle generously with encouraging words and hugs!

Now, I know that the day-to-day life of a homeschooling Mom and a full-time teacher can be trying and challenging at times. Let me remind you of something very important . . . teaching is a privilege and an honor. It is a teacher's responsibility to influence his/her students in a positive and encouraging way! It is our duty to provide an environment that is safe and fosters creativity and accomplishment! Strive to give this to your students daily! If you do, you will transform your classroom into a beautiful place! Connect and care . . . it always produces excellence! Be encouraged today!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Teaching and encouraging my fellow teachers . . .

is the heart of who I am! My passion is for teaching and working with kids, but I love encouraging teachers! I look back on my teaching career and have been blessed to work with master teachers, who see their career as their calling. A call to inspire, develop, encourage, and equip our children to excellence and their personal best!

As a mother of five, I have homeschooled my children, and I have worked in public and private schools. I realize one thing that rings true in all venues . . . teachers need encouragement. They need to be encouraged to excellence, and inspired to try innovative and creative classroom techniques. That is exactly what I want to do . . . encourage teachers!

Over the years, I have had the opportunity to develop and observe several different classroom-tested curricula! I have seen writers develop, scientists inspired, and historians created, as students dive into a variety of subject areas with excitement. I love seeing students succeed, and strive for excellence and their own personal best! A successful classroom begins with a teacher that teaches with heart and excellence!

Here are just a few of my favorite classroom units:
-Developing the Writer Within
-Cartooning and Creating a Character from Scratch
-Wings and Things, the Science of Flight
-Physical Science with Toys - Gizmos and Gadgets to teach physics!
-CSI: Forensic Science for Kids
-Spotlight Science: Engaging Energy Around Us
-Seeing History though a Historian's Eyes

If you are a teacher, this blog will be filled with quotes, creative lessons, pictures, and words of encouragement from one teachers heart to another!

Be blessed,

"Sharing ideas and techniques to inspire greatness and excellence in the classroom."

My Family

My Family
My Beautiful Family!